How to overcome a challenge?

How to overcome a challenge?

Face it.

Most of the time, taking the first step towards its solution makes a problem less challenging. A challenge looks bigger until faced. But, once it is accepted and we resolve to face it, it becomes easier from that point onwards.

It is very cold these days. Obviously, mornings are chillier. We love to remain in bed in the cosy warmth of a blanket. In this situation, it is scary to even think of getting into a cold shower. But, what happens if you do precisely that?

Well, you realize that the dread of thinking of getting into a cold shower on a chilly, winter morning is more daunting than the actual act of doing it. Yes. I know it is easier to do than most of us would think. I do it every morning in every winter unless I am sick. I have also done this in the colder climate of Kutch during my childhood.

Of course, initially, when the cold water hits the skin, it is very difficult to bear it. But, the discomfort lasts only for a few seconds. Then, the better-informed skin takes over and educates the mind not to fear the cold water so much. The resilience builds up.

The fear of facing a challenge is more daunting than actually facing it. Once you gather the courage to face a challenge and take the first step in that direction, then surprisingly, the challenge loses its power. The initiative, however small it may be, causes a positive momentum and it propels us ahead.

So, when a freezing challenge is trying to pin you down, look straight into its eyes. Face it. Take the first important step. The challenge won’t be able to stop you anymore.

Get into the cold shower.